Decoded Gaming GTA V Roleplay Server - Revised Rules

1. General Conduct:

Community Respect: Players must be 18 or older. Toxic behavior, including but not limited to personal attacks, hate speech, and trolling, is strictly forbidden.

Respect for Others: Prohibited language includes racist, homophobic, derogatory remarks, or overly sexual comments. First-time violations result in a warning, subsequent violations may lead to temporary or permanent bans.

Professional Dispute Resolution: Disagreements with administrators should be addressed via a formal dispute resolution process outlined on the Discord.

2. Identity and Representation:

Username Guidelines: Usernames should not contain offensive language, explicit content, Hate Speech or Discrimination, Drug References, Threatening or Violent Language, Culturally or Religiously Insensitive, Provocative or Trolling, Reference to Political Figures or Ideologies, or promotional material.

3. Character Creation:

Unique and Realistic Names: Characters cannot be named after real-life celebrities, historical figures, or popular fictional characters (e.g., John Wick, Abraham Lincoln).

4. Gameplay Rules:

Legal Game Ownership and Installation: Players must own a legal GTA V copy and a clean FiveM installation.

Zero Tolerance Policies: Harassment, cheating, and sexual misconduct. Consequences include immediate permanent bans.

Communication Standards: Microphones must meet minimum quality standards determined by the staff.

No Promotion: Promoting external servers, communities, or content is prohibited, including unsolicited direct messages.

5. In-Game Behavior:

Roleplay Initiation: Proper roleplay initiation is required before engaging in criminal activities.

Prohibited Actions: Meta-gaming, power gaming, and combat logging are detrimental to fair play and immersive roleplay. Their definitions are as follows:

Valuing Life: Scenarios where a player must value their life include:

6. Gang Activity:

Limitations: A maximum of 4 participants per criminal act. This is to ensure balance in in-game interactions.

7. Metagaming and Power Gaming:

Definitions and Examples: Metagaming is using out-of-game information in-game (e.g., using stream information). Power gaming is forcing actions on others without their consent.

8. New Life Rule (NLR) and Revenge Killing:

Memory Loss on Respawn: Characters forget events leading to their demise. This includes not returning to the scene or seeking revenge post-respawn.

9. Exploits and Illegal Activities:

Exploiting Prohibition: Using game bugs or unauthorized mods for advantage is forbidden. Violations lead to immediate bans.

11. Ongoing Compliance:

Responsibility to Stay Updated: Players must regularly check for rule updates.

Staff Authority: Staff have the discretion to enforce rules. A formal process for addressing staff decisions is available on the Discord.

12. Roleplay Ethos:

Prioritizing Role-play Over Gun-play: Players are encouraged to engage in immersive roleplay, avoiding unnecessary violence.

Additional Information

Reporting and Appeal Procedures:

Detailed in the Discord.

Safe Zones:

Safe Zones are designated areas in the game where hostile actions and violence are restricted to ensure safety and neutrality. These areas are essential for non-violent interactions and specific roleplays. The following are considered Safe Zones:

In these Safe Zones, players must refrain from combat, using weapons, or engaging in aggressive actions. Violations may lead to penalties, as these areas are crucial for a balanced roleplay environment.

Player Activity Requirements:

Regular Participation: Players are expected to log in and participate in the server activities at least once every [specific time period, e.g., 30 days]. This helps keep the community active and ensures ongoing character development.

Activity Tracking: Player activity will be tracked. Inactivity beyond the specified period may lead to [e.g., temporary suspension of the account, removal from certain roles or whitelisted jobs].

Leave of Absence: If you anticipate being unable to meet the activity requirement due to real-life circumstances (e.g., vacation, illness, work commitments), please inform the server administrators in advance. A formal leave of absence can be granted to accommodate your situation.

Character Role Maintenance: To maintain a role within special jobs or factions (e.g., Police, EMS, Gang Leaders), more frequent activity may be required.

Returning Players: Players returning after a period of inactivity are encouraged to [specific steps, e.g., review rule changes, reconnect with the community through Discord.].

Engagement and Participation: Active participation in server events, roleplay scenarios, and community activities is highly encouraged. This enhances not only your experience but also that of other players.

Exceptions and Special Circumstances: We understand that life can be unpredictable. If you have special circumstances that affect your ability to meet these requirements, please discuss them with the server administrators. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Streaming and Content Creation:

Avoid Metagaming: Do not use information from streams or videos in your in-game decisions. This includes watching other players' streams while you are playing.

Stream Delay: Implement a reasonable delay in your stream to prevent stream sniping and other forms of metagaming that could disrupt gameplay.

Content Guidelines: Your content should adhere to the same standards as in-game conduct. No racist, homophobic, derogatory remarks, or overly sexual content.

Disclosure: Clearly disclose in your stream or content that you are playing on our server. This helps in promoting the server and also sets the right expectations for your audience.

Handling Sensitive Scenarios: If you find yourself in a roleplay scenario that could be sensitive or controversial, consider switching to a be-right-back screen or muting the audio to navigate the situation responsibly.

No Spoilers: Do not reveal plot points or upcoming events in the server that could spoil the experience for other players and viewers.

Report Misconduct: If you witness any rule-breaking or misconduct while streaming or creating content, report it to the server administrators just as you would in-game.

Collaboration and Cross-Promotion: Collaborations with other content creators are encouraged, but cross-promotion of other servers or communities is not allowed.